Tuesday, May 11, 2010

R.A.P Sheet

Record of Arrest and Prosecution - Corellian Security Forces

Organisation: "Purgatory Alpha Wing Escapees"

Description: Former prisoners who escaped from a maximum security prison ship and stole the wardens personal transport. See individual R.A.P sheets for more detail on specific members.

Known Crimes:

3644.3 - Escape from Maximum Security Prison Ship"Purgatory"
  • All prisoners were serving up to 5-70 years imprisionment for a variety of crimes. See individual R.A.P sheets for more detail.
3644.3 - Destruction of Maximum Security Prison Ship "Purgatory"
  • 437 Counts of Murder - Crew and Prisoners of the Purgatory
  • Destruction of Private Property
  • Grand Theft Starship
  • Known associate - VERON - Rodian Mercenary. See Individual R.A.P Sheet. Assisted in destruction of vessel.

3644.4 -3644.12 - DETAILS CLASSIFIED - Under Investigation

3645.1 - Garrett House Insurance Scam

  • Destruction of Private Property
  • Investigation in Progress

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